Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Doctoral Conference: Wednesday 19 June 2024

Conference attendees at the afternoon networking session, 19 June 2024


Welcome and overview to the day
(10.00 – 10.15)

Student talks session 1
(10.15 – 11.15)

Option A (room BCB 307)

Chris Daniel
Investigating carprofen’s mechanisms of bactericidal action against tuberculosis (TB) and TB-like respiratory infections

Niro Amin
The Wounded Healer Manifesto

Mukesh Bhatt
Earth and Outer Space: revisiting the evolution of transcultural extraterrestrial law

Option B (Room BCB 310)

John Siblon
Physical and nominal repatriation of African, Asian, Arab, and Caribbean naval personnel after the First World War

Heather Goodman
Black Female Temporality on The Salt Roads

Debi Lewinson
Roberts So it go! Using a Black Feminist theoretical lens to analyse grief and loss in Black Caribbean families

Option C (Room BCB 311)

Shani Cadwallender
Hard Graft: Toru Dutt and Romantic inheritance

Haydar Allami
Feyli Kurds in the United Kingdom: Narratives of Diasporic Home Making and Belonging

Adeyemi Awomodu
The impact of the Language of Instruction on educational experiences and attainment in Nigerian primary education.

Tea and coffee break
(11.15 – 11.45)

Student talks session 2
(11.45 – 12.45)

Option A (room BCB 307)

Carolann Edwards
Lawyers Feeling Envied at Work and their Response

Roland Amagbo
Geopolitical risk and wheat volatility

Shannon Sahni
Space Mapping as Methodology

Option B (room BCB 310)

Jamila Thompson
Social Media as Site for Black Feminism: Black Women’s Digital Diaspora, Collectivity and Resistance

Nandita Sirker
Do you see us ? Can you hear us? A Black Feminist exploration of Motherhood and Refugeeness

Joy Brooks-Gilzeane
Collective identities and political mobilisation: Black British Feminism 1970-2000

Option C (room BCB 311)

Aishwarya Srinivasan
Perspectives of Early Career ADHDers: Narratives, Challenges and Opportunities

Reetu Sood
Managing Multiplicity: Mixing Business and Friendship

Georgia Bondy
The experience of Kink and BDSM for mobility-disabled people

Lunch break
(12.45 – 13.45)

Student talks session 3
(13.45 – 14.45)

Option A (room BCB 307)

Teleica Kirkland
Skin Politics: How to Dress away Racism

Helena Wee
Elemental form and movement.

Amrit Deogon
Identity and work: Exploring the lived experiences of visibly observant Sikh men in the workplace

Option B (room BCB 310)

Jana Manuelpillai
Reorientating Darkness: Exploring the intersection of racial diversity and blindness within US TV

Sailee Khurjekar
The Worst Race Scenario: Racial Minorities and Obscene Art

Margaret Ochieng
The Power-shaped Narratives of Post-Floydian Anti-racism in UK Organisations

Option C (room BCB 311)

Sarah Bekkali
Tort Law an the Question of Race: A case study from the Netherlands

Crina Morteanu
The Margin of Appreciation, Deference and the Roma: Differing Standards of Protection at the European Court of Human Rights

Kaso Kardonya
Choice of Court Agreement in Private International Law of Insurance Contracts

Tea and coffee break with networking
(14.45 – 15.30)

This is a longer session than the other tea/ coffee breaks •Three broad themes as the basis for some more structured networking at the 14.45 tea and coffee break. •After about 15 minutes you will be invited to decide whether to carry on in the area you are in; or change to another theme.


  • Intersectionality and Social Justice
  • Decolonisation and Historical Narratives
  • Sustainability in the environment, economy, health or technology

Workshop sessions
(15.30 – 16.30)

Option A (room BCB 307)

How to get an academic paper published
Dr Chao-yo Cheng

Option B (room BCB 310)

How to become a Principal Investigator
Professor Sanjib Bhakta

Option C (room BCB 311)

How to become a lecturer
Dr Michael Tsang

Closing comments
(16.30 – 17.00)

Break in schedule
(17.00 – 18.00)

Panel discussion
(18.00 – 18.30)

CLore Lecture theatre

Short panel discussion: Highlighting work and opportunities at Birkbeck aimed at improving research culture and support for BAME Doctoral Scholars
Dr William Ackah, Senior Lecturer in Black and Community Geographies. William has been one of the organisers of the BAME Doctoral Conference and is part of a team that has produced a new book on the Black PhD experience. •Professor Stewart Motha, Professor of Law and Academic Lead for the Birkbeck Race Equality Charter application •Professor Karen Wells, Professor of International Development and Childhood studies, and an academic lead for the recently awarded Wellcome Trust Institutional Funding for Research Culture (IFRC) award. •Professor Julian Swann (Chair), Pro-Vice Chancellor for Research and Director of the Birbeck Graduate Research School

Keynote speaker: Professor Jason Arday
(18.30 – 19.30)

CLore Lecture theatre

Jason Arday is Professor of Sociology of Education at the University of Cambridge, Faculty of Education. He was formerly a Guest Editor on BBC Radio 4’s Today Programme and listed 4th  on the prestigious Shaw Trust Disability Power 100 in 2023.

(19.30 – 20.30)

CLore foyer

2023/24 Gwynne-Vaughan Prize

Deadline for entries: Midday, Friday 12 July

The Birkbeck Graduate Research School (BGRS) aims to highlight the activities and successes of our research student community. We are pleased to announce a call for entries for the 2023/24 Gwynne-Vaughan Prize which will be awarded to Birkbeck Doctoral students able to demonstrate the most notable contributions to their fields while undertaking their research degree.

There are two categories and the winner of each will each be awarded a £250 prize, a formal certificate and a distinctive medal.

Current doctoral student entries

  • This category is open to all current doctoral students at Birkbeck who were enrolled during the current 2023/24 academic year.
  • Any achievements you include must have taken place while you were registered as a Birkbeck Doctoral student up the current academic year.

Doctoral awardee entries

  • This category open to any student who was enrolled in academic year 2022/23 or 2023/24 and who has already been awarded their doctorate.
  • Any achievements you include must have taken place before your doctorate was awarded.

How to enter

Applicants must complete the following Gwynne-Vaughan Prize entry form which includes a statement from the student and a supporting statement from the supervisor. Your completed form should be sent by email to

Deadline for entries

Midday, Friday 12 July

Consideration of entries

All entries will be considered by the Research Strategy Group (RSG).

Announcement of winners

The winners will be announced before the end of the Summer term and will be presented their prizes at the BGRS start of year welcome event in Autumn term 2024.

Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Doctoral Conference: Wednesday 19 June 2024

Work is continuing on preparation for this exciting conference scheduled for 19 June.

Conference objectives

  • To inspire future generations of BAME scholars by showcasing the achievements and contributions of current BAME PhD students
  • To provide a platform specifically for BAME PhD students to present their research, share their experiences, and engage with other scholars and professionals in their field.
  • To facilitate networking opportunities for BAME PhD students to connect with peers, mentors, and potential collaborators, fostering a supportive community and encouraging interdisciplinary collaboration.
  • Aim to empower BAME PhD students by providing professional development workshops to navigate academia and pursue successful careers.
  • To raise awareness of pressing issues affecting BAME students within academia and in broader society, through keynote speeches, panel discussions, and interactive sessions.

Call for contributions

Call for PGR student talks:
Deadline Tuesday 14 May (now extended to 23 May)

We are pleased to call for contributions in the form of talks and research posters. If you have any queries please email  This update includes information about:

Why present a talk?

Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) Doctoral researchers are invited to propose a talk to present at the conference. This is an opportunity for you to make your doctoral research visible and gain experience presenting your work. 

What sort of talks are invited?

We intend student talks to be up to 15 minutes in duration including questions but we may need to adjust the timings slightly depending on the number of speakers. 

Suggested talk structure 

If you are unsure about what to present you are invited to consider the following structure for a talk. Please aim to make your talk accessible to a non-specialist. 

1. Introduction (2 minutes)

  • Greeting and Opening: Start by introducing yourself and you could thank those present for the opportunity to speak.
  • Introduce yourself: You could introduce yourself and say which doctoral programme you are enrolled on. It would be interesting to hear why you chose to study a PhD and why you chose Birkbeck. State the focus of your doctoral research and what you aim to prove or discover. 

2. Research Context and Relevance (3 minutes)

  • You could briefly summarise your chosen field of research including why it is of importance to you and to your field of study.
  • Field Overview: Briefly describe how your research fits into the current state of the field related to your research.
  • Gap Identification: Highlight what’s missing in the current research landscape and how your work addresses this gap. Highlight which part of your work you will be speaking about today.

3. Methodology (3 minutes)

  • Research Design: Outline your research design, including the type of research (qualitative, quantitative, mixed methods, etc.) in relation to your talk. You could highlight whether ethical approval was required.
  • Data Collection: Describe how you collected or will collect your data.
  • Analysis Techniques: Briefly mention the analysis techniques used/ to be used, ensuring to clarify any complex methods in a way that non-specialists will be able to understand.

4. Key Findings (3 minutes)

  • Major Results: Present the main findings of the research you are sharing. Use visuals like charts, graphs or images if they help clarify complex data.
  • Interpretation: Provide a brief interpretation of what these findings may mean for your project and/ or for the field.
  • Limitations: Quickly note any limitations of your study to anticipate potential questions.
  • If you haven’t yet reached the stage of research findings you could speak about  some of the questions you hope to answer.

5. Conclusion and Future Research (2 minutes)

  • Bring your talk to a conclusion by summarising key points covered and what further work you plan to do during your doctoral studies.
  • Summary: Recap the main points of your research and your findings.
  • Future Directions: Suggest how your research could be expanded or what future studies could explore further based on your work.

6. Q&A Session (2 minutes)

  • Thank the audience for their attention. One of the event organisers will invite questions from the audience. 
  • You may find it useful to have prepared responses for likely anticipated questions, especially regarding your methodology and your conclusions.

How to submit your proposed talk

You are invited to submit your proposed talk using this brief form

Will all talks be selected?

We intend to involve all contributors but in order to include a balanced range of talks we may need to be selective for timetabling purposes. The choice of talks will be decided on by a steering group for the conference which will include doctoral student members. This group will meet soon after the deadline for proposals so that we can confirm arrangements for speakers as soon as possible.

Call for PGR Posters:
Deadline Friday 7th June

The opportunity to present your work through a research poster, practise your communication skills, network with other doctoral researchers and to celebrate your work is available to all BAME Doctoral Researchers at Birkbeck at the Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Doctoral Conference.

Your research poster should explain your research to a mixed audience of non-subject specialists and should be formatted for printing as A0 in size and in portrait orientation.

Instructions for poster submissions

Please complete this brief form about your research poster.

All poster contributors will be asked to submit their poster as a .pdf file by 7 June so that the BGRS can arrange for them to be printed.

Call for Steering Group Member:
Deadline 14 May

We are looking for a self-funded BAME student to join the Steering Group for this conference. 

The group will meet on the week of the May 14th (date TBC) to help decide on which PGR Student talks will be selected for the Conference. This is a great opportunity to be a part of the planning of the first BAME Doctoral Conference as well as helping with arrangements on the day of the event which may include introducing speakers or helping with question and answer sessions.

The group will consist of:

  • Dr William Ackah (Senior Lecturer, School of Social Sciences)
  • Tim Hoe (Graduate Research School Manager)
  • Sabrina Bowen (CHASE EDI Ambassador)
  • Diversity 100 Doctoral Researcher
  • CHASE Doctoral Researcher
  • Self-Funded Doctoral Researcher

How to express interest:

Please send the following to

  • A copy of your CV
  • A brief statement outlining why you would like to join the steering group (no more than 150 words)

BGRS Poster Competition 2024

Thursday 16 May 2024

Birkbeck Graduate Research School (BGRS) invites you to enter a Postgraduate Research Student Poster Competition, which will be held on campus alongside the 3 Minute Thesis Competition on Thursday 16 May from 6pm.

This Poster Competition is open to all doctoral researchers at Birkbeck and provides an excellent opportunity for you to present your research, practice your communication skills, to network with other doctoral researchers and to celebrate your work.


  • The winner of the first prize will receive £150 and a certificate
  • Two runners up will be awarded certificates and £75 each

Poster requirements

  • You should create a research poster that explains complex research to a mixed audience of non-subject specialists.
  • Your poster should be formatted for printing as A0 in size and in portrait orientation.

What is involved?

  • Your poster will be displayed on a poster board, with an in-person judging session during a reception after the 3 Minute Thesis Competition.
  • You will be invited to attend your poster during the judging session and so that attendees can speak with you about your research.

How to enter

Training available

For all those taking part in the competition we have organised a workshop to help you produce your poster.

Thursday 18 April, 11am-12.30pm

Regardless of whether you are planning to enter the 3 Minute Thesis Competition or enter this BGRS Poster Competition please do mark 6pm Thursday 16 May in your diaries for these exciting events.

Three Minute Thesis Training sessions 2024

Birkbeck 3MT: Thursday 16 May 2024

Join a selection of Birkbeck PhD students as they compete to communicate their compelling thesis topics in just three minutes. This event is a fantastic opportunity to share and celebrate the interests and successes of PhD researchers from across the College and we invite all current Birkbeck PhD students to take part. The winner of the Birkbeck competition will be chosen by an expert panel of judges who will award:

  • £500 to the overall winner
  • £250 to the runner up
  • The audience will also have their say by picking a People’s Choice winner who’ll win a special prize.

Training Sessions

As part of our support for the competition, a free programme of training sessions has been arranged. All potential 3MT competitors should attend these sessions. However, any or all of them are open to any doctoral researcher at Birkbeck who would like to gain skills in these areas:

2023 Competition

Please see this blog from last year in which competitors share how they chose to use their research to enter the competition. You can also watch a selection of Birkbeck 3MT videos here.

What is it like to take part in 3MT?

Some previous contenders have kindly shared what they gained from taking part.

Marie Houghton said that it ‘helped me to clarify exactly what I think the main message of my PhD is’ and that she ‘would definitely recommend taking part in the 3MT to any other PhD students.’

Hannah Reeves also said that the competition allowed her to ‘think about what matters most about my research – what do I care about, what do the community I’m working with care about, and what will this audience care about.’ She also described herself as nervous about the experience of being on stage but ‘the training helped to develop a mutually supportive atmosphere.’

Doyin Olorunfemi described how ‘the exercise of delivering a concise speech gives you clarity of mind as a researcher and clarifies your contribution.’ She would ‘highly recommend the competition.’

Three minute thesis videos 2023

On Thursday 25 May, Birkbeck doctoral students took part in the 2023 Three Minute Thesis Competition. Conor Kelly was the overall winner and received a £500 prize.
Thesis title: Northern Ireland’s Political Parties Shifting Stances on European Integration 

Thesis title: Percy Grainger and Trans Identity in Edwardian England

Thesis title: The role of vFLIP in Kaposi Sarcoma-associated Herpes Virus (KSHV) Oncogenesis

Thesis title: Admitting Demons: Brexit and Psychoanalysis

Thesis title: Law and Evolutionary Agency in Outer Space

Thesis Title: An Era of Violence: Confronting Colonialism in the U.S. Violence Against Women Act (1994-Present) 

Thesis title: Choice of Court Agreement in Private International Law of Insurance Contracts: An analysis of harmonisation efforts in the field of jurisdictional party autonomy in insurance

Winners of the 2023 Three Minute Thesis and BGRS Poster Competitions

Top row left to right: Conor J. Kelly, Jo Brydon-Dickenson, Allison McKibban. Bottom row left to right: Graham Driver, Laura Phillips-Farmer, Clau Di Gianfrancesco

Birkbeck’s annual Three Minute Thesis and Poster competitions were held on 25 May and proved to be an entertaining and invigorating evening for competitors and the audience alike.  

For the Three Minute Thesis competition, participants from a range of different disciplines were challenged to present their scholarly research to a non-specialist audience in just three minutes. Showcasing their ability to talk with clarity and passion about their research, as well as their presentation skills, the quality of entries from doctoral students was exceptionally high. For the Poster competition, doctoral students submitted a poster design that explained their complex research to a mixed audience of non-subject specialists.  

The winner and recipient of a £500 prize for the Three Minute Thesis was Conor J. Kelly, for his talk entitled ‘Brexit and Northern Ireland’s Political Parties’.

The winner of the Poster competition and recipient of £150 was Graham Driver for ‘Exploring the geological evolution of Glacier-like Forms on Mars’. As well as the winners, a panel of judges also selected runners-up for each competition, and there was also a people’s choice award.  

Below is more information about the students who placed as winners and runners-up, and their respective research.  

Three Minute Thesis Judges Winner: Conor J. Kelly  

Thesis title: Northern Ireland’s Political Parties Shifting Stances on European Integration 

What’s it about? Northern Ireland’s political parties have had a huge influence on political developments related to Brexit in recent years. But the parties themselves have often presented contrasting positions on whether they support European integration since Ireland and the UK joined in 1973. There is literature on how parties form their positions on the EU. However, I argue Northern Ireland presents a somewhat unique case, and I try to show why you need to go beyond the current literature on political parties in order to understand how they behave towards Europe. 

Why this research? I grew up in Donegal, near the Irish border and I’ve always been interested in the politics and history of Ireland. The 2016 Brexit referendum brought the politics of Northern Ireland back to the top of the political agenda in Ireland, the UK, and the European Union. My thesis is trying to make sense of one dimension of a complicated but fascinating set of political dynamics. 

What’s your background? I did my BA at the University of Galway in Ireland and then studied for an MA at Maastricht University in the Netherlands. Prior to coming to Birkbeck in 2018 to do a MRes and then a PhD, I had a variety of different jobs in not-for-profit fundraising in New York and London. 

Three Minute Thesis Runner-up: Jo Brydon-Dickenson

Thesis title: Percy Grainger and Trans Identity in Edwardian England 

What’s it about? It’s about a musician who wrote a lot about gender and sexuality in their private letters and diaries. I’m using those documents to try to piece together some understanding of what it was like to be trans in London in the early twentieth century and how people like Percy Grainger might have understood themselves.  

Why this research? A lot of trans history before the 1950s is built upon court records and newspaper articles, and it’s very rare that we get to hear trans people speaking for ourselves. So, when I came across these documents with Grainger expressing thoughts that will probably seem quite familiar to a lot of trans people today, I thought it was important to take the time to unpick them and show how they might help us understand the trans past.  

What’s your background? Before this, I was doing a Master’s at Reading and a degree at Sussex, both with a focus on music and gender in history. My background also includes a lot of performing music, so I love the opportunity to bring the things that I’ve learned as a musician into my research. 

Three Minute Thesis People’s Choice Winner: Allison McKibban

Thesis Title: An Era of Violence: Confronting Colonialism in the U.S. Violence Against Women Act (1994-Present) 

What’s it about? While laws regulating sexual violence are used by governments around the world, it remains a global health crisis. For 30 years, the U.S. Violence Against Women Act has addressed sexual violence, and in particular, violence against Indigenous women. My research questions why this set of laws hasn’t prevented the violence, through uncovering the ingrained beliefs beneath the words written in the more than 2000 pages of legislation. 

Why this research? The United States government has enacted violence against Indigenous communities for centuries. However, as a U.S. citizen, I never learned of this ongoing colonization until I was in university. My research pushes back on my own government’s violent policies, but also has compelled me to do activist work to restore land to Indigenous peoples. 

What’s your background? Before Birkbeck, I worked in government affairs in the US and attended LSE and Oxford to study for master’s degrees related to law, gender, and history. 

Poster Competition Winner: Graham Driver 

Thesis Title: Exploring the Geomorphological Evolution of Glacier-Like Forms on Mars 

What’s it about? The mid-latitudes of Mars are populated by numerous water-ice-rich landforms known as Glacier-Like Forms (GLFs) that are similar in appearance to valley glaciers found on Earth. Little is known about these glaciers and how they have evolved over time. Using data collected by orbiting spacecraft, and computer climate modelling, I am attempting to provide insight into the geological evolution of these landforms and discover what environmental factors influence glacial evolution on Mars. 

Why this research? I have always been interested in space exploration and geology, particularly in geomorphology and how landscapes are formed. When you think of Mars, you think of a dry, cold, dead planet, not an active landscape with large glaciers on its surface. The difference between what I had known about Mars before and the excitement of what I could discover exploring another planet drew me to this research. It’s an amazing privilege to have the opportunity to look at Mars every day from images I have requested from spacecraft 140 million miles away.  

What’s your background? Like many Birkbeck alumni I was working a steady job when, aged 30, I decided to go back to university to study something I have always been passionate about: planetary science. I worked full-time whilst completing my degree at Birkbeck, and graduated in 2019. In 2020, this PhD was advertised at Birkbeck, and I was fortunate enough to be selected for the position. Now I’ve had the opportunity to teach one of the modules which got me here and help other students towards their goals of exploring the geology of our solar system. 

Poster Competition Runner-up: Laura Phillips-Farmer 

Thesis title: Where structural and individual factors interplay: Building on the pathways approach to homelessness  

What’s it about? It’s about looking at the factors involved in why and how people come to face homelessness in the UK. Currently, research is split between ‘individual factors’ or ’structural factors’ or episodes of both types of factors. I would like to explore the spaces where they interplay using Life Course Theory and by focusing particularly on families.  

Why this research? Homelessness in the UK is a crisis that many take for granted. Comparisons between countries show that policy makes a huge difference, but it is highly contested over. I wanted to provide research that would give some weight to arguments in these areas. I was keen to slightly dismantle this idea that there’s always going to be some people who are safely in housing and some people who don’t get that, and that there’s something inherent about ’those people’. Homelessness charities sometimes make the point that “we’re all only one or two months of pay away from being homeless”, but it’s more complicated than that, with inequalities being deeper rooted. I want my research to help people tackle that complexity.  

What’s your background? I’ve worked as a youth worker, managed a winter night shelter project, and also a support worker for a homelessness charity. I took the Birkbeck conversion MSc in 2019-20, studied a health and social psychology MSc at Maastricht University in the Netherlands the following year, and began my PhD in the summer of 2021. 

Poster Competition Runner-up: Clau Di Gianfrancesco

Thesis title: Collective Practices of Undoing and Unbecoming: Masculinity and Theatre of the Oppressed 

What’s it about? I am investigating the potentialities held by participatory theatrical practices, and more specifically of Theatre of the Oppressed, in troubling and re-imagining gender and masculinity. In my work, I consider the work of decolonial, antiracist, queer, and feminist thinkers – and specifically, those who have used theatre and performances as privileged sites to question and trouble gender normativity. My aim is to investigate theoretical and practical ways of doing and undoing gender and masculinity. I am using an ethnographic approach, detailing my experience with companies working with Theatre of the Oppressed in different parts of the world.  

Why this research? I have been interested in questions pertaining to gender, theatre and gender performances since my BA in Psychology. I find theatre an incredibly helpful and productive medium to explore questions of identity and gender. Given my added interest in collaborative storytelling and collective imagination, I think that theatre and performance offer privileged sites for such rich, artistic, multi-sensorial, embodied and collaborative ways. 

What’s your background? While studying for my BA in Psychology, I saw my first Theatre of the Oppressed play which I was so profoundly struck by it that it informed my dissertation. After my BA, I did a Master’s in Psychosocial Studies at Birkbeck, where I learned about a rich variety of theories and methodological approaches and encountered a vibrant community of postgraduate students. After a year of working as a Research Assistant at Goldsmiths in the Department of Sociology, I was awarded the UBEL, ESRC 3+1 scholarship which is currently funding my PhD research. 

BGRS Poster Competition 2023

Thursday 25 May 2023

Birkbeck Graduate Research School (BGRS) invites you to enter a Postgraduate Research Student Poster Competition, which will be held on campus alongside the 3 Minute Thesis Competition on Thursday 25 May from 6pm.

This Poster Competition is open to all doctoral researchers at Birkbeck and provides an excellent opportunity for you to present your research, practice your communication skills, to network with other doctoral researchers and to celebrate your work.


  • The winner of the first prize will receive £150 and a certificate
  • Two runners up will be awarded certificates and £75 each

Poster requirements

  • You should create a research poster that explains complex research to a mixed audience of non-subject specialists.
  • Your poster should be formatted for printing as A0 in size and in portrait orientation.

What is involved?

  • Your poster will be displayed on a poster board, with an in-person judging session during a reception after the 3 Minute Thesis Competition.
  • You will be invited to attend your poster during the judging session and so that attendees can speak with you about your research.

How to enter

Training available

For all those taking part in the competition we are organising a workshop to help you produce your poster.

Regardless of whether you are planning to enter the 3 Minute Thesis Competition or enter this BGRS Poster Competition please do mark 6pm Thursday 25 May in your diaries for these exciting events.

Three Minute Thesis Training sessions

The BGRS is pleased to announce the 2023 Birkbeck 3 Minute Thesis Competition, which will take place on Thursday 25 May from 6pm. Please mark this date in your diaries!

Birkbeck 3MT: Thursday 25 May 2023

Join a selection of Birkbeck PhD students as they compete to communicate their compelling thesis topics in just three minutes. This event is a fantastic opportunity to share and celebrate the interests and successes of PhD researchers from across the College and we invite all current Birkbeck PhD students to take part. The winner of the Birkbeck competition will be chosen by an expert panel of judges who will award:

  • £500 to the overall winner
  • £250 to the runner up
  • The audience will also have their say by picking a people’s choice winner who’ll win a special prize.

Training Sessions

As part of our support for the competition, a free programme of training sessions has been arranged. All potential 3MT competitors should attend these sessions. However, any or all of them are open to any doctoral researcher at Birkbeck who would like to gain skills in these areas:

What is it like to take part in 3MT?

Some of last year’s contenders have kindly shared what they gained from partaking.

Marie Houghton said that it ‘helped me to clarify exactly what I think the main message of my PhD is’ and that she ‘would definitely recommend taking part in the 3MT to any other PhD students.’

Hannah Reeves also said that the competition allowed her to ‘think about what matters most about my research – what do I care about, what do the community I’m working with care about, and what will this audience care about.’ She also described herself as nervous about the experience of being on stage but ‘the training helped to develop a mutually supportive atmosphere.’

Doyin Olorunfemi described how ‘the exercise of delivering a concise speech gives you clarity of mind as a researcher and clarifies your contribution.’ She would ‘highly recommend the competition.’

2023 Birkbeck 3-minute Thesis competition: Join the audience on Thursday 25 May

On Thursday 25 May, an expert panel of judges will decide which Birkbeck student has presented the most compelling, convincing, and concise summary of their thesis. There’s a lot at stake: not only the prestige of winning and the confidence that goes with it, but also –

  • £500 to the overall winner
  • £250 to the runner-up
The seven finalists from the 2022 3-minute thesis competition.

This is the headline BGRS event of the year

This is an event for all doctoral researchers and also for anyone interested in studying for a PhD. The event will be followed by a drinks reception and a chance to view entries to the BGRS Poster Competition.

During the reception prizes will be awarded to the 3 Minute Thesis Competition and the Poster Competition winners.

Register to attend

You can be part of the audience for this year’s Three Minute Thesis Competition.

Registration is now open for this event

As part of the audience you will have a vote to decide who is the People’s Choice. You can also join the Birkbeck postgraduate community in celebrating the diversity of research interests undertaken here, and raise a glass to that with a drinks reception after the winners have been announced.

If you would like to participate in this year’s competition please see this post for more information.