Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Doctoral Conference: Wednesday 19 June 2024

Conference attendees at the afternoon networking session, 19 June 2024


Welcome and overview to the day
(10.00 – 10.15)

Student talks session 1
(10.15 – 11.15)

Option A (room BCB 307)

Chris Daniel
Investigating carprofen’s mechanisms of bactericidal action against tuberculosis (TB) and TB-like respiratory infections

Niro Amin
The Wounded Healer Manifesto

Mukesh Bhatt
Earth and Outer Space: revisiting the evolution of transcultural extraterrestrial law

Option B (Room BCB 310)

John Siblon
Physical and nominal repatriation of African, Asian, Arab, and Caribbean naval personnel after the First World War

Heather Goodman
Black Female Temporality on The Salt Roads

Debi Lewinson
Roberts So it go! Using a Black Feminist theoretical lens to analyse grief and loss in Black Caribbean families

Option C (Room BCB 311)

Shani Cadwallender
Hard Graft: Toru Dutt and Romantic inheritance

Haydar Allami
Feyli Kurds in the United Kingdom: Narratives of Diasporic Home Making and Belonging

Adeyemi Awomodu
The impact of the Language of Instruction on educational experiences and attainment in Nigerian primary education.

Tea and coffee break
(11.15 – 11.45)

Student talks session 2
(11.45 – 12.45)

Option A (room BCB 307)

Carolann Edwards
Lawyers Feeling Envied at Work and their Response

Roland Amagbo
Geopolitical risk and wheat volatility

Shannon Sahni
Space Mapping as Methodology

Option B (room BCB 310)

Jamila Thompson
Social Media as Site for Black Feminism: Black Women’s Digital Diaspora, Collectivity and Resistance

Nandita Sirker
Do you see us ? Can you hear us? A Black Feminist exploration of Motherhood and Refugeeness

Joy Brooks-Gilzeane
Collective identities and political mobilisation: Black British Feminism 1970-2000

Option C (room BCB 311)

Aishwarya Srinivasan
Perspectives of Early Career ADHDers: Narratives, Challenges and Opportunities

Reetu Sood
Managing Multiplicity: Mixing Business and Friendship

Georgia Bondy
The experience of Kink and BDSM for mobility-disabled people

Lunch break
(12.45 – 13.45)

Student talks session 3
(13.45 – 14.45)

Option A (room BCB 307)

Teleica Kirkland
Skin Politics: How to Dress away Racism

Helena Wee
Elemental form and movement.

Amrit Deogon
Identity and work: Exploring the lived experiences of visibly observant Sikh men in the workplace

Option B (room BCB 310)

Jana Manuelpillai
Reorientating Darkness: Exploring the intersection of racial diversity and blindness within US TV

Sailee Khurjekar
The Worst Race Scenario: Racial Minorities and Obscene Art

Margaret Ochieng
The Power-shaped Narratives of Post-Floydian Anti-racism in UK Organisations

Option C (room BCB 311)

Sarah Bekkali
Tort Law an the Question of Race: A case study from the Netherlands

Crina Morteanu
The Margin of Appreciation, Deference and the Roma: Differing Standards of Protection at the European Court of Human Rights

Kaso Kardonya
Choice of Court Agreement in Private International Law of Insurance Contracts

Tea and coffee break with networking
(14.45 – 15.30)

This is a longer session than the other tea/ coffee breaks •Three broad themes as the basis for some more structured networking at the 14.45 tea and coffee break. •After about 15 minutes you will be invited to decide whether to carry on in the area you are in; or change to another theme.


  • Intersectionality and Social Justice
  • Decolonisation and Historical Narratives
  • Sustainability in the environment, economy, health or technology

Workshop sessions
(15.30 – 16.30)

Option A (room BCB 307)

How to get an academic paper published
Dr Chao-yo Cheng

Option B (room BCB 310)

How to become a Principal Investigator
Professor Sanjib Bhakta

Option C (room BCB 311)

How to become a lecturer
Dr Michael Tsang

Closing comments
(16.30 – 17.00)

Break in schedule
(17.00 – 18.00)

Panel discussion
(18.00 – 18.30)

CLore Lecture theatre

Short panel discussion: Highlighting work and opportunities at Birkbeck aimed at improving research culture and support for BAME Doctoral Scholars
Dr William Ackah, Senior Lecturer in Black and Community Geographies. William has been one of the organisers of the BAME Doctoral Conference and is part of a team that has produced a new book on the Black PhD experience. •Professor Stewart Motha, Professor of Law and Academic Lead for the Birkbeck Race Equality Charter application •Professor Karen Wells, Professor of International Development and Childhood studies, and an academic lead for the recently awarded Wellcome Trust Institutional Funding for Research Culture (IFRC) award. •Professor Julian Swann (Chair), Pro-Vice Chancellor for Research and Director of the Birbeck Graduate Research School

Keynote speaker: Professor Jason Arday
(18.30 – 19.30)

CLore Lecture theatre

Jason Arday is Professor of Sociology of Education at the University of Cambridge, Faculty of Education. He was formerly a Guest Editor on BBC Radio 4’s Today Programme and listed 4th  on the prestigious Shaw Trust Disability Power 100 in 2023.

(19.30 – 20.30)

CLore foyer

CHASE EDI Ambassador

Sabrina Bowen

As part of their Diversity Action plan the AHRC CHASE DTP has provided funding to appoint a part time CHASE EDI Ambassador who will provide support for activities at Birkbeck aiming to:

  • Improve the pipeline of students from minority ethnic underrepresented backgrounds from undergraduate and taught postgraduate to arts and humanities doctoral research at Birkbeck
  • Ensure that arts and humanities doctoral researchers from underrepresented minority ethnic backgrounds are better supported at Birkbeck

This role aims to help to organise and run online events and in person activities aimed at:

  • Promoting doctoral study
  • De-mystifying the doctoral application processes and explaining the experience of being an arts and humanities doctoral researcher.
  • Identifying ways in which current arts and humanities doctoral researchers from under-represented minority ethnic groups can be effectively supported through the PhD at Birkbeck.

The post was advertised to all doctoral researchers at Birbeck and we were fortunate to have some extremely strong applications for the role. Following interviews last month we are pleased to appoint Sabrina Bowen as the CHASE EDI Ambassador at Birkbeck.

Sabrina Bowen

Sabrina is a 2nd year PhD Student within the School of Social Sciences, her research explores the intergenerational roles of the UK-based Caribbean diaspora in the development of their homeland.

Sabrina will work within the Birkbeck Graduate Research School team in collaboration with colleagues who are working on aspects of under-representation at doctoral level including:

  • Dr William Ackah, Senior Lecturer within the School of Social Sciences.
  • Caroline McDonald, Director of Access & Engagement – Access & Engagement at Birkbeck.

Is a PhD Right for Me?

Birkbeck has been a partner in development of a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) which provides a comprehensive approach to considering, applying for, or beginning doctoral study in the UK.

This three-week course from Bloomsbury Learning Exchange is designed to provide information and advice for anyone deciding whether doctoral study in the UK is the right path for them.

Swapping myths and misconceptions for useful tips and resources, this course will help you prepare for PhD applications and beyond.

You can view a video trailer here:

Information about the course development on the BLE website:

Week 1

Aimed at helping you work out whether to pursue a PhD. You’ll be given a basic overview of essential aspects of the decision, including personal, practical, and financial considerations.

Week 2

Week 2 of the course will provide guidance on making a PhD application. You’ll learn how to seek out opportunities, put together a research proposal, find the right supervisor and apply to an institution or research project.

Week 3

In the final week of the course, you’ll get ready to take on day-to-day life as a doctoral candidate.