#vitaehangout: Making the most of PhD placements

#vitaehangout: Making the most of PhD placements

Tuesday 20 March at 12-1pm

Preparations are underway for a #vitaehangout ‘Making the most of PhD placements‘ which takes place on Tuesday 20 March at 12-1pm GMT.

The panel represents different perspectives ranging from those who have undertaken a placement to an institutional and funders view.


  • Steve Colburn, Consortium for the Humanities and the Arts South-East England (CHASE)
  • Ysabel Gerrard, University of Sheffield – placement at Microsoft
  • Rob Hardwick, Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC)
  • Rob Keegan, South West Doctoral Training Partnership (SWDTP)
  • Sarah Middle, Open University/CHASE – placement at the British Library

How to take part

The informative lunch hour will be a useful and effective investment of time. It’s very easy to take part, just register your interest and you will be emailed a live YouTube link nearer the time in readiness for the event. Questions can be posted before or during the event for the panel to answer.

Author: ubcg56b

Graduate Research School Manager

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