Birkbeck 19 Century Reading Group 2017-18

Please see details below of the Birkbeck 19 Century Reading Group 2017-18

October 3rd: Middlemarch (Eliot) Room 106, 43 Gordon Square

November 7th: Portrait of a Lady (James) Room 106, 43 Gordon Square

December 5th: Little Women (Alcott) Room 106, 43 Gordon Square

January 9th: The Woodlanders (Hardy) Room 106, 43 Gordon Square

February 6th: Ruth (Gaskell) Room 106, 43 Gordon Square

March 6th: Valentine Vox, the Ventriloquist: His Life and Adventures (Henry Cockton) Room 106, 43 Gordon Square

April 10th: New Grub Street (Gissing) Room 106, 43 Gordon Square

May 1st: Charlotte Mew poems and short stories Room 106, 43 Gordon Square

June 5th: The Way We Live Now (Trollope) Room 106, 43 Gordon Square

July 3rd: Anna Karenina (Tolstoy) Room 106, 43 Gordon Square

For further information please email