Burlington Contemporary Art Writing Prize 2018 – Open for entries (deadline 26 Feb 2018)

The Burlington Magazine is now accepting entries for the Contemporary Art Writing Prize 2018, and am writing to ask whether it would be possible to distribute the call for entries to your students.

The aim of the Prize is to discover and encourage emerging young writers on contemporary art, with the winner receiving £1,000 and the opportunity to publish a review of a contemporary art exhibition in the Magazine. Our guest judges are the former Director of Camden Arts Centre, Jenni Lomax and the artist Fiona Banner. The deadline for submissions is Monday 26 February 2018.

Previous winners have included both undergraduate and postgraduate students (age cap is 35 years old), and all have gone on to work in the arts, continuing to write for the Magazine and holding significant curatorial positions at institutions such as Tate Modern and the Barbican in London.

The deadline for submissions is Monday 26 February 2018
The winner of the £1,000 Prize will be announced in May 2018

Please find attached for further information.

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Call for submissions: Contemporary Art Writing Prize 2016

TBM PrizeDeadline for submissions: Monday 29th February 2016

The Burlington Contemporary Art Writing Prize seeks to discover talent young writers on contemporary art, with the winner receiving £1,000 and the opportunity to publish a review of a contemporary art exhibition in The Burlington Magazine.

The winner of the Prize will be announced in May 2016. Every applicant will be offered an online subscription to the Magazine at a specially reduced price.

The guest judges are the incoming Director of the Tate Britain, Alex Farquharson, and the eminent scholar and Curator of Special Projects in Modern Art at the National Gallery of Art, Washington, Lynne Cooke.

Submission requirements:

Contenders – who must be no older than 30 years of age and have published no more than 6 exhibition reviews – should submit one unpublished review of a contemporary art exhibition, no more than 1000 words in length with up to three low-resolution images. ‘Contemporary’ is defined as art produced since 2000. The submitted review must be written in English (although the art considered may be international) and emailed as a Word document, clearly stating the name, age, country of residence and occupation of the writer to editorial@burlington.org,uk

For more information please visit www.burlington.org.uk

or contact editorial@burlington.org,uk

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DORA PROJECT: 25 November 2015

DORA PROJECT (2015-2016)

A cross-generational archiving, participatory and community project that combines contemporary art, WW2 London and early rocket engineering.

DORA PROJECT is pleased to announce its second Commemorative Public Event on Wednesday 25 November 2015 at Goldsmiths, University of London, St James Hatcham, Room G01, starting at 12.30pm.

The event commemorates the 71st anniversary of the most devastating V2 rocket attack on London. On 25 November 1944 at 12.26pm a missile destroyed Woolworths and the Co-op on New Cross Road. 168 people were killed, 123 injured.

Based in London, DORA PROJECT is led by established artist Françoise Dupré in collaboration with Rebecca Snow, a young visual and participatory artist.

The project includes a new installation by Dupré, a postcard project, a series of commemorative public events in South East London and a school project at JFS, a Jewish Comprehensive School in North West London.

DORA PROJECT will conclude with an exhibition at Peckham Platform in April 2016.

DORA PROJECT connects two sites: London and Mittelbau-Dora Nazi Concentration Camp in Central Germany where V2s were assembled by slave labourers in an underground factory (August 1943-April 1945). Amongst them
was Françoise Dupré’ s uncle Robert Berthelot, a French political prisoner. More than 20,000 inmates died in Mittelbau-Dora while between September 1944 and March 1945, V2 attacks on London killed around 2500 Londoners.

After WW2, The German rocket engineers were employed for the development of space and military programmes in USA, France, Russia and Britain. Whilst many Londoners have heard about the V2, few know about its history that connects spaceflight to Nazi Concentration Camps. DORA PROJECT Commemorative Event at St James Hatcham, Goldsmiths includes a display around V2 attacks on London and the story of Dupré’s uncle in Dora concentration camp. On view as well, WW2
archive materials from The Museum Group based on New Cross Road and a short film by Rebecca Snow made in response to her visit to the concentration camp memorial site. Participants will have the opportunity to contribute to DORA POSTCARD PROJECT by writing their testimonies and comments.

To coincide with DORA PROJECT, Deptford Forum Publishing has reprinted Rations & Rubble, Remembering Woolworths. Published in 1994 and edited by Jess Steele, the booklet is a remarkable act of remembrance containing tragic yet immensely brave human stories about the V2 attack on New Cross

DORA PROJECT is funded by Arts Council England and Birmingham School of Art-BCU, Centre for Fine Art Research. The project is supported in the UK by Goldsmiths University of London, Peckham Platform, JFS. In France by the Commission Dora Ellrich de la Fondation pour la Mémoire de la Déportation; the Association Française Buchenwald Dora et Kommandos; La Coupole, Centre d’Histoire et de Mémoire du Nord – Pas-de-Calais, France.

For more information about DORA PROJECT visit: https://doraproject.wordpress.com

Or contact Françoise Dupré f.dupre@btinternet.com

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