Call for Papers: ‘Writing Between the Lines’, deadline 31 March 2016

Writing Between the Lines

A One Day Postgraduate Symposium Exploring Creative Writing as a Research Methodology.

Cardiff School of Education, Cyncoed Campus, Cardiff Metropolitan University, Wales, UK

Saturday 3rd September 2016

Keynote Speaker: Professor Kevin Mills (University of South Wales)

Settling words together in new configurations lets us hear, see, and feel the world in new dimensions (Richardson, 1994).

With a fusion of theory and imagination, fresh visions may be realised and broader evaluations become possible.  If research is the methodical investigation of a subject or subjects in order to discover, uncover, develop and provide new knowledge then Postgraduate study in Creative Writing and Critical Practice becomes a powerful and worthy combined discipline within the academy.

This symposium seeks to bring together postgraduate candidates, teachers and practitioners to examine the relationship between theoretical study and creative practice with the aim of improving and upholding the sustainability of this expanding discipline at Masters and Doctoral level.  We invite papers which examine the lively dynamic between praxis and critical appraisal; explore the nature of creative writing as a research methodology; investigate its position within pedagogy and evaluate how it may be developed in order to elevate approaches to high quality research.


Call for papers

Proposals are invited, from PhD research students and independent scholars, for 20-minute papers. The symposium is open to contributors from all subject areas and disciplines, though it is anticipated that it will be of principal appeal to those interested in creative writing as a research methodology within the following fields: literary studies; visual arts; philosophy; creative writing; film production; education; performance; cultural geography; critical and cultural theory. Topics for papers will be organised into panels, which might include or resemble, but are definitely not restricted to, the following:

  • Cultural, global and political writing
  • Post-humanism
  • Psycho-geography and travel writing
  • Environmental and sustainability issues
  • Gender studies
  • National identity
  • Poetics
  • The relationship between Science and Literature
  • Digital Technology and Creative Writing
  • The Theory and Craft of Writing
  • Pedagogy and Research

Creative work, critical papers or a combination of the two are welcome.


Please send abstracts of no more than 300 words for a proposed 20-minute presentation and include a short biography. Proposals are to be submitted electronically here. The deadline for submission is 31st March 2016.

All delegates are invited to join a round table discussion of the research aspects within the creation of Dr David Oprava’s forthcoming experimental novel entitled: The Codex Epiphanix, directly following this symposium.


Queries and correspondence regarding the conference should be addressed to Dr Lucy Windridge  or Selina Philpin

Queries regarding organisation, accommodation and logistics should be addressed to Huw Jones and/or  Donna O’Flaherty, conference administrators at:

For more information regarding this symposium please visit: Writing Between the Lines