Opportunity: Birkbeck Gender Sexuality (BiGS) steering committee

Birkbeck Gender Sexuality (BiGS) is looking for two post-graduate reps for its steering committee.

BiGS organises a range of events throughout the year – from panel discussions to performance art – that showcase and engage the research interests of staff and students at Birkbeck engaged in gender and sexuality studies.  As a post-graduate rep, you would have the opportunity to propose and organise events, and foster postgraduate teaching and research in this area.

For more information about BiGS  visit our website, and join our mailing list.

If you would be interested in finding out more about the role of post-graduate representative, please contact the BiGS Director, Dr Kate Maclean, directly – k.maclean@bbk.ac.uk.

. . Category: Archived Vacancies . Tags: