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Martin Eve on Contemporary Slo-Mo Electro

Martin Eve catches up with Contemporary Slo-Mo Electro A certain colleague in the Department of English & Humanities frequently teases me about my love of “banging techno” – as he mischievously terms any bass-heavy contemporary electronic music to which I listen. Nevertheless, and as with

Seda Ilter interviews Lily Hunter Green on Bee Composed Live

Seda Ilter interviews Lily Hunter Green on Bee Composed Live Lily Hunter Green is a musician, composer and visual artist whose work focuses on environment and marginality. Green’s inventive piece Bee Composed (a part of her project Decomposed, exhibited at the Brighton Dome for the Brighton  International Festival,

Seda Ilter on Andy Smith’s Summit (Brighton Festival, 2017)

Seda Ilter on Andy Smith’s Summit (Brighton Festival, 2017)  May 2017: Brexit is happening, the Conservatives repeat their immigration pledge in the election campaign, the NHS is suffering, war in Syria is killing more children every day, global warming is rapidly affecting human lives while