Archives for posts with tag: environment

By Debojyoti Das

My preliminary field visit to the Sundarbans in May 2012 was challenged by the roasting heat and by tidal waves. I was warned of the turbulent waters by Mr. Ajit Sarkar, director of Help Tourism who had visited the islands recently. On my trip, he introduced me to Bali Island, adopted by Help Tourism as a model village. Read the rest of this entry »

By Sunil Amrith

Rachel Carson’s 1955 book, The Edge of the Sea, is one of the most poetic works of science writing that I know. Some of her most evocative descriptions were reserved for the mangrove forests of the U.S. Atlantic coast. “Mangroves are among the far migrants of the plant kingdom, forever sending their young stages off to establish pioneer colonies” she wrote. Mangroves excelled in “creating land where once there was sea.”

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