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Tag Archives: America

Carolyn Burdett on The Work (2017)

Carolyn Burdett on The Work (2017) I’ve been interested in psychoanalysis for a long time. Freudian psychoanalysis, like literature, is committed to words, supremely interested not only in what is said but also in how it gets said. For Freud, the bodily symptom that makes

Anna Hartnell on The Inauguration of Donald Trump

Dr Anna Hartnell on the Inauguration of Donald Trump Donald Trump’s inaugural address was always going to be ugly. His campaign speeches may have been successful at rallying crowds, but he is no great orator, and a bit of poison and malice is standard fare.

Martin Eve on William Gaddis’s JR

Martin Eve on William Gaddis’s JR I am currently re-reading William Gaddis‘s monstrous 1975 novel, JR. While this is a book that defies easy plot summary, one of the central strands of the text concerns the eponymous eleven-year-old schoolboy, J. R. Vansant, and his adept manipulation