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Cinephiles are people with a particular passion for film. Their love is sometimes excessive, certainly obsessive, but it is always inclusive, embracing cinema of all shapes and sizes, in minor and major modes, as high art and popular entertainment, from the ancient to the absolutely modern.

Following the lead of the amazing exhibition “A Museum of Everyday Life: Cinephilia and Collecting”, held at the Peltz Gallery in 2016, this Cinephile strand of BIMI’s programming seeks to celebrate and explore the love of cinema as expressed through film itself, highlighting films about film in three main groups:

  1. documentaries about the history of cinema and the evolution of film culture;
  2. experimental and essayistic films that repurpose and reshape found footage and archive materials into new and exciting works; and
  3. last but not least, fiction films whose stories are set in the world of cinema. It is with the third group that we have begun this new programming strand, and it looks like it will be a long, enjoyable and slightly crazy journey…