David Vilaseca Memorial Lecture: 10 November 2015

Tuesday 10 November 2015

David Vilaseca Memorial Lecture

From ‘Lives at the Limit’: histories against the grain – an unfinished dialogue with David

Speaker: Prof. Helen Graham (Royal Holloway)

Time: 6pm.

Place: Royal Holloway University of London, Picture Gallery

Professor Helen Graham discusses her forthcoming book Lives at the Limit. Its subject is Europe’s dark 20th century, explored through a set of signal lives which pass through the war in Spain (1936-39) and are transformed by it. The book’s themes of displacement and difference allow a reflection on how history can be other than a homogenising discourse or instrument of state or nation. By excavating real lives to reveal their own – and the century’s – complexity and multiplicity, history counters retrospective ideological tellings which shut down the past.

The lecture will be followed by a reception. Please see attached poster for details.

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