FreudOutLoud – 1pm Sunday June 14th

Marathon reading of Civilization and Its Discontents @ the Freud Museum,

Next Sunday afternoon there will be a verbatim reading out loud – a marathon reading – of Freud’s seminal text, Civilization and Its Discontents (1929).
A number of artists, poets, writers, psychoanalysts and academics have been invited to share this collective reading at the Freud Museum in London.

As you likely know, Freud’s text is an extraordinary extended contemplation on the nature of violence and repression. It considers the tension between the instinct or drive towards aggression and the paradox of civilization as a process whose cultural and social ideals repress our instincts, thus leading to perpetual ‘unease’ or discontent and disorder. It is without doubt one of Freud’s greatest texts; beautifully written, utterly compelling and relevant for the current times we live in.

Entry is free with admission ticket to the museum.
Details about the event and a list of the readers